Sunday, May 15, 2011

OBX 2 - Relaxation and getting settled in...

Today was a day of rest and relaxation.  We woke up this morning to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking in the kitchen, just like when we were kids.  Of course most of my family are early risers and had been up since 6 a.m., but not Austin, Hadley and me...we slept in!  After breakfast we all headed down to the pool, which was heated to an awesome 82 degrees. 
We also enjoyed the hot tub!       

Hadley showed off her swimming skills above while Grandpa sported his diving goggles.  The kids loved watching Grandpa and Aunt Melissa dive under the water and swim from one side of the pool to the other. 

The picture above is one of my favorites because it's pure sweetness!  Hadley kept kissing the lobster float because she liked playing on it so much.   

The girls loved jumping off the side of the pool.  I tried to get one of them jumping at the same time, but it didn't quite work out.  My camera is a little slow on the trigger sometimes.

Get her, Juli! 

Check out Hadley's awesome spiral above.  She had a lot of fun throwing the ball back and forth with cousin Gabe!

Hadley got a little cold and wanted to get out and wrap up in her towel.  Even though she wasn't in the water anymore, she got some laughs while watching everyone continue to play in the pool.

John, Dad and Melissa were the first ones to try out the hot tub and they said it was glorious!

Above are several views of the pool from different levels of the stairs and landings leading up to the hot tub.

My turn!  Juli, Karen, Lex, Me and Melissa all took our turn at warming up and relaxing in the hot tub.

After we all got dried off from our pool time, we headed up to the top deck to relax for a little while.  The view is so amazing from up there and the breeze felt good...just what vacation is all about!   

While we were up on the deck we watched a kite surfer work his way from the south shore all the way up past our house.  It was pretty neat to watch.  Can you imagine the skill and strength it must take to surf that way?  I wanna try! 

Once everyone got back upstairs, the boys took turns whoopin' each other on the Wii. 

Grandpa and Hadley had a chip and dip tasting party.

Hadley thought cousin Gabe looked pretty funny all wrapped up in his blanket watching cartoons.

Our plan is to have a family dinner every night, but it seemed to get dark and late before we all realized.  I guess we were just having too much fun.  We ended up doing a buffet style eat when you can dinner tonight.  After dinner we all enjoyed hanging out and chatting.  The kids enjoyed jumping on the loungers we found in Zeb's room.  They were laughing and playing so hard.  It was super cute!   

My dad calls Lex and me the paparazzi because we always have our cameras out.  Sad but true...but hey, we're moms, and that's what moms do! 

Awe, how sweet!  Gabe read the girls a story and they loved it. 

...and then Juli read to Hadley.

...and after a little peaceful reading came the attack!  There was a lot of giggling and jumping, but Juli and Hadley finally conquered Gabe with the loungers.

Hadley proudly relaxing after the battle was won. 

As you can imagine, these kids never stop moving.  Soon the girls had moved onto drawing at the table.  I love the picture below of the two of them.  So sweet! 

While the girls were drawing, uncle Zeb showed cousin Gabe how to sharpen his Wii playing skills. 

...and it wasn't long until the girls moved onto story time with Austin.

We all spent the rest of the night sitting on the deck and enjoying the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.  What a relaxing end to a fun day playing and enjoying each other's company.  So far, we are loving this vacation! 

Once again, Good Night OBX!

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