Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

Memorial Day commemorates U.S. soldiers who died while in the military service.  It began as a ritual of rememberance and reconciliation after the Civil War, but has since become a more general expression of memory, as ordinary people visit the graves of their deceased relatives, whether they served in the military or not.

It's an important day for my family because almost every generation has served in the military. My dad served in the Vietnam War, and my grandfathers and great-uncles served in WWII and the Korean War. My dad is active in the legion and regularly participates in military graveside services. He spent the morning performing two military ceremonies at local cemetaries in rememberance of fellow soldiers.

But...after the ceremonies were over my family got together at my house for a day on the lake!

Yum...look at that good food!

We only got a short boat ride in and a little swimming before the storms started to roll in.

If you look closely, you can see the rain drops at the end of the boat.

So, because of the storm we had to take the party inside.  The kids still managed to have a great time playing with all of Hadley's toys.

Julianna and Gabe enjoyed a story from Aunt Melissa while Hadley preferred to play with her ball instead.

...and playing with daddy!

Later Hadley decided to read her puzzle book with cousin Gabe and her daddy.

...or more like chewing on the puzzle pieces while Gabe attacked Uncle Austin with the bird.

While it was a rainy and wet Memorial Day, we all had a great time spending the day together as a family! 

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Race Weekend...

Race weekend is always a busy time for us.  It's filled with lots of parties and then watching the Indianapolis 500 Indycar race.  This weekend started off with the annual pre-race party (which we used to host until we at Bob and Mary's house on Saturday.  Austin went to the race on Sunday while Hadley and I headed home.  After the race, Austin went to another annual post-race party at JD and Tricia's house.  It was definitely a fun-filled weekend! 

Hadley supported her favorite driver today - Danica Patrick.  She wore a shirt with her car, signature and number on it. 
Go Danica! 


Thursday, May 27, 2010

A first for the fridge...

We got our first certificate to hang on the fridge for Hadley.  She finished her second session of swim lessons as a "shrimp" at the Kosciusko Community YMCA.  We didn't get a certificate for the first session, but that's okay.  We are excited about this one! 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

No More Pictures, Mom!


And she's off...
Hadley finally started crawling today.  I was sitting on the couch and noticed that she was playing one minute and was over by me the next.  I knew it was a little fast for her, so I pulled her out on the floor and took a toy to catch her interest.  I had the video camera ready!  And yes, she started crawling towards the toy and I caught it on video! Yeah!   

These are a few pictures that I took later in the day as she got more brazen with her crawling...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fun Times...

I bought Hadley a green ball when we were at Walmart grocery shopping.  It's like the one that Aunt Shelby got her but a little smaller.  She had a "ball" playing with it today!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cruising...but still no crawling!

Hadley has been holding onto our fingers and walking for a couple of months now, but still no crawling.  We are beginning to wonder if she will be one of those babies that never crawls and just goes straight to walking.  I guess only time will tell. 

I just noticed that she has gotten brave enough to cruise on her own the last few finger assistance from mom and dad. 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Aunt Shelby!

Aunt Shelby's birthday is May 20th.  She will turn 12 years old!  Her birthday is on Thursday this year, so everyone celebrated with a small family party today.  I of course had to work, so Austin and Hadley went without me.  Hopefully next year...

And here is a picture of the "kids" sans me...

Here's Hadley enjoying Aunt Shelby's presents with Grandpa Mark.
Brynn and Hadley playing around...this picture of Brynn cracks me up!  Caught in the moment.

I heard that Hadley and cousin Brynn really enjoyed their golf cart ride with Grandpa and Grandma.  Here they are rollin' along...

And here are the girls enjoyin' a couple of different rides...

And the last picture that Austin took...Hadley hangin' out with Aunt Jodie!

Happy Birthday, Aunt Shelby!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Gabe's T-ball Game!

This is our nephew Gabe's first year playing t-ball.  He plays for the Akron Youth League on the "Tigers" team.  Austin, Hadley and I went to his second game of the season tonight!

Gabe plays second base or the outfield when his team is out in the field.  He wasn't into playing much tonight, though.  We think that he was super excited that cousin Hadley was there and wanted to play with her instead of playing ball. 

Here he is trying to talk to Hadley and Julianna instead of playing!

Gabe only wanted to bat, so he kept coming over to sit/play with us.  Here he is getting a little pep talk from Uncle Austin about why it's important to be a team player and participate in the entire game...

and here he is getting ready to bat...

Do you like my Norman Rockwell picture of the evening...
(Gabe is #2)

Hadley hanging out with her daddy...

After Gabe's t-ball game we went to the park to play.  This was Hadley's first time in a swing and she LOVED it!  She was giggling the entire time.