Saturday, October 31, 2009

Date Night!

Austin and I had our first "date" since Hadley was born tonight!  I'm disappointed to say that I failed to take pictures of this great event.  My dad watched Hadley while Austin and I went to the movie "Couple's Retreat" and then out to dinner at Wing's Etc.  Hadley did great for dad, however, she was wide eyed and waiting for us when we got hour past her bedtime! 

I did manage to take a picture of our movie ticket stubs. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009


Hadley got her first series of vaccinations today. 
She did so good, and mommy and daddy couldn't be more proud! 

We were preparing Hadley's bottle while we waited our turn at the Health Department...she didn't end up wanting it at all!  To quote her daddy - "she's hard core!"

Before and After

The nurse was really great and the room was super cute! 
We were in the "train room" with the vaccination train...

Hadley didn't cry after the first shot.  In fact, Austin and I didn't even realize the nurse had given it to her!  She cried a little after the second, but I picked her up, loved on her and then she was back to sleep before we even left the room!  What a girl! 

And here are the battle wounds...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Family Time

Austin's family came down from Michigan today to hang out.  It's so nice to get everyone together to spend some quality time! 

Hadley got to hang out with her cousin Brynn...I can't wait until they are older and actually play together! 

Brynn is getting quite good at rolling over...soon Hadley will be doing the same!

Hadley had a great time just hanging out!

Aunt Shelby got to play with her friend Anna and they made an awesome leaf fort!  And for some reason my hammock is always so enticing to the kids?


And finally, Brad and Jodie trying to wrestle Brynn to get her diaper changed!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gabe's 4th Birthday Bash!

Today we helped cousin Gabe celebrate his 4th birthday with a party at the Carnegie Library in Akron.

Aunt Melissa made an awesome dinosaur cake - in this picture, Gabe already took the dinosaurs off and ate the frosting off their feet!  Ahh boys!

The kids had a pinata and Uncle Austin was the "holder" which meant he was in the line of fire for the batting that's brave!

I helped the kids collect their loot into little ghost bags! 

Here are the girls...Julianna and Hadley hangin' out at the party...

Aunt Melissa got to hold Hadley for the first time today...if you knew my sister, you would know what a sight this is!

And finally, the birthday boy gets to open his presents! 

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Chili Cook-Off

We went to our first ever chili cook-off today in Wabash.  We didn't really know what to expect at first, but ended up having a GREAT time!  We definitely plan to go again next year. 

We tried a lot of chili in the couple of hours that we were there...for some reason, Hadley still preferred her milk! 

There were tons of chili vendors there...including Ghetto Booty Chili...who knew?

When we left the chili cook-off we went to the home of one of Austin's co-worker's parents' to view their "museum" of automated musical instruments.  I have to admit - it was an amazing site!