Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This was the first Halloween that we let Hadley dress up and trick-or-treat.  She was only a couple of months old for her first Halloween, so we stayed at home and enjoyed family time.  Last year she was just a little over one year old and we felt that she was still just a little too small to understand the concept of dressing up and trick-or-treating.  This year, however, we were all about Halloween!  It probably helped that the holiday fell on a Monday, so I definitely did not have to work. 

We traveled to Michigan to Austin's Uncle Charlie and Aunt Barb's house tonight for a little Halloween party.  It was nice to see family and let Hadley see her cousins all dressed up too.  Austin knew a couple of households in the neighborhood, so we allowed Hadley to trick-or-treat.  She was so cute running up to the houses, knocking on the doors and saying...or more like whispering, "trick-or-treat."  As we were walking from house to house, she also kept saying, "I'm a bug!" 

After we left the party, we headed over to Uncle Mike's house to do a little "treating."  He had the porch light on, and Hadley had started to get the whole idea.  We let her out of the truck and she ran to the door, only this time she was yelling, "trick-or-treat!"  It was really cute. 

After we left Uncle Mike's house, we went to Grandpa and Grandma Reames house, where Grandma had been anticipating Hadley's arrival all night.  She had tons of homemade candy including, cookie pops, bat and pumpkin shaped rice krispie treats, caramel and peanut butter popcorn, and dipped pretzel sticks.  Hadley was in heaven.  She got a goodie bag filled to the brim with each treat.  She also got a couple packages of candy and a new Minnie Mouse shirt.  She was so excited! 

Austin's parents, along with Aunt Shelby, showed up too.  Hadley was wound up!  She jumped and squealed the rest of the night.  We finally got her to settle down about an hour later so that we could head for home.  I told Austin that I couldn't have asked for a better first Halloween celebration for Hadley.  It was awesome getting to spend time with family and add a little bit of safe trick-or-treating in as well. 

Hadley got a Halloween present from Fritz and Janet, our neighbors up on the hill.  It was very sweet of them to think about Hadley on Halloween!

We can't wait for next Halloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tricia's Baby Shower!

 Our friends Justin and Tricia DeMarco, who live in Indy, are going to be welcoming a baby girl in December.  I was invited to Tricia's baby shower today, which was hosted at Holly's house. 

Holly served a tasty lasagna/salad lunch and we celebrated with the traditional punch and baby shower cake made by Holly's mom.  During lunch, we reminisced over pregnancy and birthing stories, which I'm sure Tricia enjoyed!  Following, we gathered in the living room for shower games and then present opening.  Tricia got a lot of nice gifts that I'm sure baby girl DeMarco will enjoy.  

Congratulations Justin and Tricia! 
We can't wait to meet your sweet little baby girl when she arrives.      

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Argiris Kids Halloween Party

We traveled to Indianapolis this weekend for lots of fun events.  We started today with a kids Halloween party at the Argiris house.  Hadley had so much fun!  All of the kids wore their costumes and looked really cute.  Hadley was a ladybug. 

Holly and some of the other ladies had lots of fun games planned.  They designed trick-or-treat bags, made spiders, decorated pumpkins, constructed bats and sprinkled cookies. 

There was lots of fun food for lunch as well, including mummies - hot dog wrapped in croissants, bones w/ dipping blood - bread sticks w/ marinara, worm goo - jello w/ gummy worms...and I'm sure there was more, but I'm drawing a blank. 

Hadley had so much fun playing with all of the kids and celebrating Halloween.  At the end of the party, the kids got to trick-or-treat with their bags to different stations that had candy and little Halloween party favors.  It was a great time and we are so thankful for Holly always planning fun stuff and inviting us!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Downtown Warsaw "Spooktacular" Trick or Treat

Warsaw had a "Spooktacular" trick-or-treat event for the community.  We had plans to meet up with Aunt Lex and Cousins Gabe and Juli to see what it was all about, but before we did that, we took Hadley over to Mama's house to trick-or-treat.  This was her first time wearing her ladybug costume and she looked super cute!  Mama was already sitting outside when we got there, waiting on the area kids in her neighborhood to treat.  Hadley helped herself to about 10 pieces of candy!   

After we left Mama's house, we headed downtown to meet up with Aunt Lex and Cousin's Gabe and Juli.  When Hadley first saw Gabe, she was a little scared.  He was a vampire with face makeup and all!  After Gabe told her who he was, she was a little more okay with hanging out with him. 

We really didn't know what to expect when we got to the main square of town. We knew the concept was to have a safe trick-or-treat event where the kids could fill their pumpkins with candy from downtown businesses. The kids enjoyed seeing other kids all dressed up, but it was a little slow and lagging between stations. The kids got bored very quickly, lost sight of why we were there.

Grandpa showed up with a big candy treat for each kid, so we finished up the street we were on and headed to Pizza Hut for dinner, per the kids request.  Grandpa "treated" all of us to tasty pizza.  All in all, it was a great night spent with family, but not something we will probably do again. 

 Thank you, Warsaw, for providing such a nice event for the community!