Friday, October 28, 2011

Downtown Warsaw "Spooktacular" Trick or Treat

Warsaw had a "Spooktacular" trick-or-treat event for the community.  We had plans to meet up with Aunt Lex and Cousins Gabe and Juli to see what it was all about, but before we did that, we took Hadley over to Mama's house to trick-or-treat.  This was her first time wearing her ladybug costume and she looked super cute!  Mama was already sitting outside when we got there, waiting on the area kids in her neighborhood to treat.  Hadley helped herself to about 10 pieces of candy!   

After we left Mama's house, we headed downtown to meet up with Aunt Lex and Cousin's Gabe and Juli.  When Hadley first saw Gabe, she was a little scared.  He was a vampire with face makeup and all!  After Gabe told her who he was, she was a little more okay with hanging out with him. 

We really didn't know what to expect when we got to the main square of town. We knew the concept was to have a safe trick-or-treat event where the kids could fill their pumpkins with candy from downtown businesses. The kids enjoyed seeing other kids all dressed up, but it was a little slow and lagging between stations. The kids got bored very quickly, lost sight of why we were there.

Grandpa showed up with a big candy treat for each kid, so we finished up the street we were on and headed to Pizza Hut for dinner, per the kids request.  Grandpa "treated" all of us to tasty pizza.  All in all, it was a great night spent with family, but not something we will probably do again. 

 Thank you, Warsaw, for providing such a nice event for the community! 

1 comment:

  1. Little girl treating everyone on her birthday seems to be pretty. Celebrated mother's day with all lovely ladies of our family. Lunch cuisines ordered were garnished in a unique way. Loved the interior décor of event halls for rent booked by my cousin. Ordered cake and bouquets for all to surprise them.


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