Saturday, December 11, 2010

Annual Argiris Christmas Party

One of the best celebrations of the holiday season is the annual Argiris Christmas party.  It's always a great evening of hanging out with friends and catching up while in the excitement of the holiday.  I took a 1/2 day off of work this year so that I could join in on the fun!

It's funny to watch how this party has progressed over the years.  It was only a few years ago that none of us had children.  The party consisted of a bunch of adults drinking, eating and doing a white elephant gift exchange.  Oh how things have changed.  This year there were 14 kids, w/ 10 old enough to participate in the gift exchange!  

Pete creeped up beside me as I was taking pictures of the kids.  I turned the camera and shot this picture w/out looking.  Pretty good, I'd say...lined up and everything. 

Kids getting their presents...

Hadley got an Elmo camera and little pull along doggie from Gabe.  Holly's right...that's the only kind of dog she's likely to get under our roof, so she had better enjoy him! 
The madness of kids opening presents! 
Looks like Gabe got a super cool Diego truck!

Hadley flashing one of her million different faces! 
Kerry holding Lilah with his daughter Kelsey in the forefront.

Here's a blurry picture of Hadley eyeing Stinna's stuffed reindeer.  After the gift exchange, it was cute how all of the kids played w/ each other's toys.  Hadley, of course, wasted no time getting her little hands on Stinna's gift! 

Geni with her newborn daughter of only a few weeks, Caroline. 

Cooper enjoying his farm truck w/ animals that he got from Hadley during the gift exchange.

Nate and Hans...

Hadley hamming it up on the couch w/ Jillian and Jacque!

After dinner and the kid's gift exchange, the adults did their white elephant gift exchange.  Austin and didn't participate this year.  It looked like there were some popular gifts though, as the stealing was in full effect!   

For the remainder of the evening, everyone hung out and played Pete's new game that he was supposed to get from Holly for Christmas - Michael Jackson, The Experience.  He convinced her to give it to him early!  I took a stellar video of Kerry and Pete dancin' it up to "Thriller."  I think I had my camera turned though, so the video will be sideways.  I really need to learn how to flip them, or remember not to turn my camera.  Sorry for the crazy view! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like I missed an awesome time! Jealous!

    Hadley's facial expressions are priceless.


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