Saturday, July 31, 2010

How Embarrasing!

Austin and Hadley went to Tricia DeMarco's birthday party today in Indianapolis.  I had to work, of course.  Hadley and Kenzie Rayles showed up wearing the same shirt!  As daddy put it, "How embarrassing! We wore the same shirt to the party."

One of God's many beauties...

I saw this rainbow on my way to work today.  The picture does not do it justice!  It wasn't even raining...just an awesome summer morning.  Just when I start to think this old earth is boring, God throws something beautiful my way!  Enjoy.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hadley's 1st Trip to the Disney Store...

Mom, Hadley and I went to Indy today.  Among our many stops, Hadley had her first trip to the Disney Store. 

Of course, she was spoiled by Grandma Joyce while we were there.  She got a new Winnie the Pooh serving plate, bowl and fork/spoon set.  She also got a huge Minnie Mouse pillow that velcros from the back and has a cute little pink blanket tucked inside.  What a lucky little girl, wouldn't ya say?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Standing Alone for the 1st Time

Hadley stood up for the first time with no assistance today.  Austin took her to MI to meet her new little cousin Evelyn and while she was in the kiddie pool (of all places!) she decided to try to stand up on her own.  Austin actually caught a picture of it!  He said that she stood for a few seconds and then sat back down.  How exciting is that?  It won't be long until she starts walking...I just know it!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

More Teeth!

We were beginning to think that Hadley would never get more teeth, but we were wrong!  A few weeks ago (around the 4th of July) we noticed that her right front tooth was coming in, and then upon further inspection we noticed that the other front tooth was close behind.  I actually think she may be cutting a couple more.  Did we know she was cutting teeth? Nope.  She may have been just a little fussy for a couple of days, but past that she's been a perfect angel.  Check out the pictures of those new teeth!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy 11 Months, Hadley!

Hadley turned 11 months old today! 
It's hard to believe that her 1 year old birthday is right around the corner.  She's growing up way too fast!  

Newborn and 1 Month

2 Months and 3 Months

4 Months and 5 Months

6 Months and 7 Months

8 Months and 9 Months

10 Months and 11 Months

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Today was my birthday, and it was a great one!  I was woken up by three different phone calls from people singing, "Happy Birthday!" and bombarded with texts.  My mom took me to lunch at American Table (I love their cheeseburgers) and then we spent the afternoon shopping in Fort Wayne.  The evening was spent at Austin's softball game.  After the game though, Austin and Hadley celebrated my birthday with me!    

Hadley helped me open up my birthday card, and she tried to eat it too!

...and then she helped me open my present.  In my card I got a note from Hadley telling me that she wanted to order my Adidas sandals (I found some like the ones I had in High School that I LOVED), but she didn't know the size.  I can't wait to get those ordered!  

I think Austin was a little disappointed that he felt like he couldn't come up with something good to buy me for my birthday.  I am VERY hard to shop for.  What he doesn't know is that he is very good at paying attention to me and knowing me.  Everything he buys me, no matter how simple or small, is usually something that displays a little bit of my personality or style.  So, for my birthday present, he bought me Absolut and Kahlua.  Now before you judge...Do you know what my favorite mixed drink is?  Do you know the last time I had an adult beverage and relaxed?  Probably not, but Austin does.  I love you dear and I can't wait to enjoy a nice White Russian while relaxing on the boat tomorrow night!  

I have truly had a "Happy Birthday!"         

Monday, July 12, 2010

Playin' Around...

Here are some random pictures that I took of Hadley over the last few weeks...she gets into everything! 

Don't worry...the dryer below is not hooked up!

and I saved the best for last...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Two of a Kind!

Austin was playing around with Hadley tonight mimicking her crawling and she was loving it.  I snapped a few pictures of the two of them...

Happy Birthday Aunt Melissa!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Date Night!

Austin and I had our second "date night" since Hadley was born tonight (unless you count the Sullivan and DeMarco weddings) and we had a blast.  We went to the Zac Brown Band concert at Tin Cap Field in Fort Wayne.  We were accompanied by the Nelson's and Miller's.  Austin works with both of them, and I happened to have graduated from High School with Jeremy (Miller).  It was super hot out, but we still had a great time.  We had an even better time when we quit being old people and walked down to the "mosh pit!"    

Above is a picture of Austin and I trying to use his new iPhone to take our picture, and below is a picture of the rest of our crew.

This is a picture of the stage and lower area before the concert started.

And this is a picture that Austin took during the concert from the lower level.

We were surprised to hear the Zac Brown Band play "The Devil Went Down to Georgia".  It was pretty awesome.  That song...or more like the pickin' will definitely get you moving.  "Now you play a pretty good fiddle, Charlie Daniels, but give Zac Brown his due."  The Zac Brown Band did a great job, but it's still no Charlie Daniels.  "Charlie told you once, you son of a gun, he's the best there's ever been!"

(I have tried for months to insert the video we took of the Zac Brown Band playing "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" but the file is too large.  You'll just have to imagine it in your mind.) 

And for those of you that need your's a lil' bit of chicken fried!

(and if you couldn't guess...this was supposed to be the video of "Chicken Fried" but that file is too large as well! Bummer!)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

I had the entire weekend off so we celebrated the 4th of July on the lake this year, and boy was it fun!  We hung out all day with family and friends, boating, swimming, eating and watching fireworks.

Before everyone came over, Hadley enjoyed playing with her party favors from the Anders party.  She looks so stinkin' cute! 

Aunt Shelby had a great time hanging out with some of the girls in the neighborhood on a big water trampoline and slide.  I wanted to join them so looked like a lot of fun! 

Grandpa and Grandma enjoyed lounging and playing with Hadley...

Uncle Zeb and daddy also enjoyed lounging around and playing with Hadley...

Hadley had fun playing in her pool, in her lake, on her float and in Aunt Shelby's tube!

Later in the day we were joined by my mom, Kenny and Linda Menzie and Joe Perry and his wife.  Everyone enjoyed a yummy dinner that daddy prepared in the smoker and on the grill and then topped the evening off with a boat ride to the different lakes.  While last night was the big night for fireworks around here, everyone said that they got to see quite a few private ones while out.  Mark and I stayed back at the house with Hadley and enjoyed the huge display of fireworks next door, compliments of the Bookout Family!  The evening ended with a rope around the motor of the boat, prompting Uncle Zeb and daddy to swim it in.  Even with the boat incident, it was a great day spent with friends and family on the lake!   
Happy 4th of July!