Saturday, February 27, 2010

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. deMarco!

We attended the wedding of our friends Tricia (Aust) and Justin deMarco tonight.  It was held at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in downtown Indianapolis.  The cathedral is absolutely breathtaking and it was an awesome location for a wedding.  We were so happy to get to celebrate this special day with Justin and Tricia and along side many other friends!

And that's all folks.  Unfortunately my camera ran out of batteries right during the best part of the night...the reception.  Oh well!  I usually have at least 2 extra sets of batteries in my camera case, but now that I have a daughter, I go through batteries very fast.  

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. deMarco!   

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Swim Lessons!!

Hadley started swim lessons tonight at the YMCA.  She's in the "shrimp" class for children ages 6 months through 18 months.  She's the youngest in her class, but you wouldn't know it!  She's already got some of those older kids beat with her mad water skills.  Check them out below...

Above are pictures from Hadley's warm up with daddy before lessons started. 
Hadley started out on the kick board.  It's supposed to encourage her to kick her feet. 

We were going to try the dumbell but Hadley was too small to hold onto it.
Next, Hadley got to pick out a toy to throw and retrieve in the water.  She chose the little yellow rubber ducky. 

Hadley got to practice floating on her back.  She also enjoyed kicking her feet during this exercise!

We played "ring around the rosies" on a big swim float, which was a lot of fun for Hadley (and mommy too)!

The last two skill sets for the lesson were blowing bubbles and swimming on the belly. 

And finally at the end of Hadley's first swim lesson, she learned that she can still stick her toes in her mouth while in the pool!  Awesome!

Austin and I both took a few videos.  I will try to post one or two when I figure out how to get them to download onto the blog correctly.  Stay tuned............

Monday, February 22, 2010

1st Food - Carrots!

Austin and I started Hadley on her first food tonight. 
We chose carrots! 

With the guidance of my friend, Holly, I've decided to make Hadley's baby food to help ensure that it is fresh, nutritious and free of additives.  I'm also hoping that this process will expose her to a greater variety of tastes and textures, which in return, will smooth the transition to table foods and developing healthy eating habits.  I guess we'll see!  


We tried feeding her carrots after she got done with her rice cereal.  She didn't seem to like it very much as you can tell from the photos below...
All smiles before we got started...

And here come the yucky faces...

We decided to add the carrots to some rice cereal and Hadley seemed to like it much better.  She'll acquire the taste in good time! 
Yeah!  We're all done!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Half Birthday!

Today is Hadley's half birthday...she's 6 months old already! 
It happens to be Valentine's Day too!

Newborn and 1 Month Old

2 Months Old and 3 Months Old
4 Months Old and 5 Months Old

6 Months Old

Happy Valentine's Day!

I had to work today, so Austin and Hadley sent me a Valentine. 

It is by far the best Valentine's gift that I have ever received!