Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Super Bowl XLVI

We are so excited that the Super Bowl is being held in our old stomping ground!  We did not want to miss the opportunity to take in all of the pre-Super Bowl activities while they were so close.  It was an awesome day with rather warm weather, so we decided to head down to the Super Bowl Village and see what it was all about.  We took Uncle Zeb with us and he scored us awesome parking at Lilly Corporate, only a few blocks from all of the festivities.        

Everyone had to check out the turf, and Hadley loved it!

Little Miss in her luxury ride for the evening.

We briefly went inside The Huddle in Circle Center Mall.  It was nice, but we enjoyed the activity outside much better.

There was a zip line downtown and Hadley thought it was pretty neat to watch all of the people zip over top of us.  If you look in the picture above, you can see someone zip lining.  

Family picture time, with Peyton and couple of other guys.  If Austin were writing this post, he could tell you who they are, but not me!  

Our awesome stadium!

ESPN Live.  This was one of daddy's favorite stops.

Hadley enjoyed the fly over...

Sports Nation...another one of daddy's favorite stops!

Starting to get tired, but still happy!

Being goofy while waiting for our food at P.F. Chang's for dinner.

She insisted on trying to eat with chop sticks like Uncle Zeb.  Not too bad for her first time!

Drinkin' on the streets = awesome!

...and she finally gave in to being tired.  Sweet little thing just laid back and was out, in spite of the loud live band we were trying to get past.

On our way down to the circle to check out the numerals.

What a good daddy and Uncle Hadley's got.  She saw a little girl with a butterfly balloon before she fell asleep and we finally found the clown making them.  Austin and Zeb stood in line for a good 20 minutes just to get her a butterfly balloon of her own.  The clown worked on donations, so daddy gave the him $5 for his hard work.  

Barely awake, but super happy to see that she got a butterfly balloon of her own!

A distant shot of the J.W. Marriott which was built in the effort to win the bid for the Super Bowl.  You can see the evening fireworks as well.  It was so awesome to come to the Super Bowl Village in a town that we know so well.  It made it easy to maneuver and take in all of the activities.  We're so glad we came!  

Friday, January 27, 2012

Pretty Pretty Princess

Grandma Joyce bought Hadley some princess dresses and accessories.  Hadley got them out today and played dress up for the first time.  She was super cute!

The first thing she did was wave her wand around and start spouting out demands.  I said, "What are you doing?"  She replied, "Being mean with my wand like a princess."  I had to explain to her that a princess is nice and doesn't use her wand to be mean to people. 

After that she was all smiles and super sweet, and I realized that she has never really watched a princess movie.  So, since I still feel the need to rectify the situation further, we will be watching a princess movie very soon!    

Ah, such a pretty pretty princess!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

At last...a Snow Day!

Hadley has been looking forward to a snow day for quite a long time.  With the mild winter we have been having, she was super excited that we finally got some snow today!

We went for a little ride on her new sled.

She insisted she was going to play on her swing set...

...and go down the slide!

I taught her how to make snow angels, and she loved it!

While Hadley and I were playing in the snow, daddy got to plow the drive way for the first time with our new tractor and snow blower.  When we got done playing, daddy took Hadley for a little ride!