Sunday, November 27, 2011

Caribbean Cove Indoor Water Park

I have to go to the doctor tomorrow, so we decided to stay the night at the Holiday Inn / Caribbean Cove Indoor Water Park in Indianapolis tonight.  We've been wanting to take Hadley to an indoor water park for a while now, so this was the perfect opportunity.  Hadley is a water bug, so of course we had a great time!   

Hadley loved sliding off the turtle's back!

However, she did not like having to take a 15 minute break so that the lifeguards could regroup!

It's kind of become a tradition that whenever we stay in a hotel, Hadley rides in the luggage cart.  Whatever makes her happy! 

I love spending time with Austin and Hadley! 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I was supposed to work today, but my friend Traci called on Tuesday and offered to work for me.  I was very excited to be able to spend Thanksgiving with my family, especially since I had to work it last year too!  We started the day at the "Carrothers" family Thanksgiving, which includes my Grandma Wise's and all of her sisters' families.  We have grown smaller over the years as my Grandma and some of her sisters have passed away and our families are growing, marrying and having to share our time other places.  I only took a few pictures because I just wasn't in the mood to be behind the camera today. 

Above are a couple of my Grandma Wise's sisters, Thelma and June.

How precious are these three little ones, looking at the crosses on the table above.

We always do a prayer circle prior to dinner and we count off to see how many people were able to make it.  This year I believe that our count was 39.

We always have lunch at noon, so Austin and I had a little bit to eat before heading out to Austin's family Thanksgiving at Grandpa and Grandma Reames house.  I didn't take any more pictures, but we had a great time at our two Thanksgivings and we feel very blessed to have such great family to spend the holiday with!     

Monday, November 21, 2011

"That's Dora!"

Right around Hadley's 2nd birthday, as she started talking more and more, we discovered that she called Dora by the name Jodie.  We're not sure where she got it from?  Our guess is that our sister-in-law Jodie looks a lot like Dora with the short brown hair, so Hadley just associated the two.  She watches Dora on TV and has learned the correct names of the other characters including boots, backpack and swiper.  You would think that she would hear Dora enough that she would call her by her right name, but nope!  So, we just rolled with it and everyone just learned to call Dora by the name of Jodie when they were around Hadley.  My mom bought Hadley a large "Jodie" doll this past week and Hadley took her to daycare with her.  When she came back home, she informed us that it's not Jodie, it's Dora.  I guess the Jodie phase has come and gone.  Ahh, she's growing up on us! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Bostic!

My cousin Toby and his fiancee Jenny got married this evening on 11-11-11.  The ceremony was held in his grandmother's church in Pierceton, with a reception immediately following in the Fireman's Hall.  It was a very nice ceremony and we are happy that they allowed us to share in their special day!

Love this picture of Hadley catching a peek at the soon to be bride and groom lighting their unity candle! 

      Toby's dad and my mom are brother and sister.  Uncle Terry kept telling Hadley that, and she kept disagreeing saying "No, she's my mama!"  Too cute! 

Congratulations Toby and Jenny! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bring on the snow!

Bring it on, snow!  This year you will not defeat us.  We are now the proud owners of one vicious snow blower and we are ready for battle.  No more wimpy shovels, this is the real deal....