Tuesday, September 20, 2011

St. Joseph County Fair

I love going to the St. Joseph County Fair with Austin's family. It's become sort of a family tradition for us to meet up on a week day night and enjoy the evening together. This year, Austin's parents watched Hadley the night before, so we met them up there. When we arrived, they were in the grandstand watching wagon races. My heart melted as we climbed the stairs. Hadley was sitting at the top with Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Shelby, sporting a new cowgirl hat while clapping and dancing to the music being played. She looked so darn cute, I could barely stand it!

We met up later with Uncle Brad, Aunt Jodie and Cousin Brynn. All of the girls sported their new cowgirl hats...

Hadley loved watching the big amusement rides. She kept pointing at them in awe saying, "kids, kids!"

Hadley rode a pony last year with Grandpa and made it 1 and a 1/2 loops around with no problem.  This year she got a little scared and only lasted 1/2 a loop with daddy. 

Look how much Hadley has changed from her first, second and third year attending the fair...

I didn't take very many pictures, but as you can see from the few above, we had another great night hanging out and enjoying the St. Joseph County Fair! 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Austin!

I have not been in the mood to take pictures lately, and my poor husband's birthday post has to suffer the consequences.  We celebrated his birthday today with a little family get-together.  Austin's parents and sister came down to our house; we grilled out, had a nice lunch and ate two different kinds of ice cream cake.  One was from Dairy Queen and the other from Culvers.  It was a very nice little birthday celebration.  Happy birthday, Austin.  Hadley and I love you very much!     

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Relaxing Day at the Cabin

We've had a fun Labor Day weekend so far, starting with our trip to Mackinac Island yesterday.  We're going to spend tomorrow driving, so we spent today hanging out at the cabin with Grandpa and Grandma Reames and Uncle Mike.  It was so relaxing!  We grilled over an open fire for dinner and just enjoyed spending time together.  These are a few pictures I took of Hadley, Austin and Grandpa today... 

Lookin' for fish...

Ridin' the lawn mower...

...and searchin' for a frog.

Family time = Best time

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mackinac Island

I had never been to Mackinac Island, despite the relatively close proximity to where I grew up.  Austin, being from Michigan, used to go there with his Grandma when he was very young.  We've been wanting to take a trip up to the island for a few years now, but have never found the time.  Conveniently, I just switched from working every weekend to every other weekend, and this was my first official weekend off.  We were in dire need of some family time, so we packed up the car last night and headed up to Austin's grandparent's cabin in Northern Michigan.  We stayed the night at the cabin and headed to Mackinac Island bright and early this morning.  This was Hadley's and my first trip to this magnificent island, and it was absolutely awesome!     

It was raining really hard during our entire drive up to the island. We were worried that our trip would be spoiled, but the rain quickly ceased and eventually the sun came out making it a beautiful day.

We rented a pair of bikes and a bike trailer.  This was Hadley's first time in a bike trailer and we were a little nervous about how she would do.  She kept calling it her "buggy" and loved every minute of it...flying mud and all.   

Our first stop on our 8 mile bike ride was Arch Rock.  It was a little steep climb and some of the stairs have washed away, but it was worth the effort.  At the top, it's an absolutely breath taking view!

I took the picture of Austin below while riding my bike and pulling Hadley...a little daring, but I had to catch the beautiful view with Austin in the foreground!

If you look really close and I mean really close, you may be able to see the bridge behind me and Hadley.  It was so nice to just pull the bikes over to the side several times during our ride and enjoy the shoreline. 

It was really sweet to watch Austin show Hadley how to skip rocks.  She got the idea, but unfortunately none of her rocks skipped...they just plopped.  She put so much effort into it though and that's all that matters!   

Getting closer to the bridge!  You can see it much better in the picture of Austin and Hadley below.

Eight miles down and back to town!

We made up our minds pretty quickly about where to eat lunch, and our choice couldn't have been more perfect. We chose Goodfellow's Italian Chop House.  It was close, it looked good, and we were starving! 

We got to eat out on the balcony overlooking the main street, where Hadley enjoyed watching all of the horses and buggies stroll by. The food was great too!

More sun!  It's turning into a beautiful day! 

After lunch, we headed up the hill to Fort Mackinac.  It was pretty interesting, and the views were breathtaking! 

You can't come to Mackinac Island and not buy fudge, so we bought fudge...and lots of it!

Look at that cute little face with chocolate all over it! 

The bridge...

Hadley thought the stern on the boat was a little loud.  I love her cuteness!

We came so far...so we decided to head over the bridge and officially enter the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  It was a first for me and Hadley, but not for Austin.  To make it worth our time, we drove into the nearest town, bought some drinks and then headed back over the bridge and onward to the cabin for the night. 

I love spending time with Austin and Hadley.  This was some much needed family time, and we had a perfect day!  I can't wait to come back to Mackinac Island again.  As the website states, it’s an Island suspended in a forgotten, more innocent time, and I was mesmerized by the simple pleasures of life.  Serenity!  

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Bourbon SplashPad

Hadley and I met Aunt Lex and Cousin Julianna at the Bourbon Splashpad today for some end of the summer fun.  We started with a pizza picnic and then headed over to the splashpad to play around.  It was in the upper 90's today, so it felt good to get in the cool water.  After we played in the water for a bit, we had quick snacks and then headed over to the playground.  It was a super fun day.  We can't wait until next summer.  I have a feeling we are going to be visiting the Splashpad quite a bit! 

Hadley and Julianna enjoyed the yummy pizza and garlic bread with cheese!

We were the only ones at the Splashpad today.  It was nice to have it all to ourselves!

The girls enjoyed sticking their heads under the water spray and getting their hair soaked.  It was super cute to watch!

Hadley's face in the picture above cracks me up!  She's so animated.

Ah, they hugged each other and I just happened to have my camera out.  Yeah!

Aunt Lex and Cousin Juli hangin' out...

The park has a little picnic area, so we headed over there after we got done "swimming" to eat some snacks and take a little break.  The girls enjoyed their fruit juice and bananas...and a few giggles!

Too funny...Juli likes to eat her banana like most of us eat our corn on the cob.

...and after snacks we were off to the playground for a bit.

We had a super fun day together, and we can't wait until next summer to do it again!