Today was our second full day in GS's. I'm learning quickly that vacations change when you have a baby. You no longer spend all day striving for the perfect tan while lounging pool side sipping on your mojito. Now your day consists of quick swims, eating multiple times, taking naps, and playing inside or on the deck with lots of toys. Oh the joys of being a parent!
So, we started the day off with lunch at DeSoto's. It was a great little seafood restaurant that had won several awards.
Instead of going to the pool again...we decided to take Hadley to the Zoo.
It was nice to do something different, however, it was sort of a bust. Hadley was not at all interested in the animals (well only the orange tiger...not the white one...just the orange one) but more interested in watching all of the kids at the Zoo. I should have saved myself $25 bucks and took her to the boardwalk instead!
The alligator below weighed 1000 pounds and was over 21 feet long. Can you say "Holy Cow!" or more like "Holy Alligator!" That thing can eat you alive, literally!
Here I am stealing a kiss from my sweet little girl while at the Zoo. Someday I'll hear, "Eww, gross mom! Get away from me!" Not today however, not today.
We couldn't take Hadley to the Zoo for the first time and not buy her a souvenir. So, we bought her a tiger puppet and she loves it! She giggles so hard every time we play with it, and this makes me smile, of course!
As we left for the day, I had hoped that Hadley would wear her sunglasses, but she wanted no part. We can't have it all, and at least she wears her hats with no complaints!
We ended our day with an evening, or should I say, night stroll on the beach. While we were out there some kids were fishing. I told Austin that I can't possibly see how they can catch a decent sized fish by just standing on the shoreline, and I would just die if one of them actually caught one. I had to eat my words, because two second later one of the kids pulled a decent size fish out of the water!
Good Night Gulf's been a pleasure so far!
Glad you had a good trip! It looks like you all had a relaxing vacation....don't worry, they'll get easier and lots more fun!